Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Tuesday 24th August.
This afternoon I had another order for a Humf, these little fellas are proving very popular, which I'm more than pleased about. Pleased because I designed them myself, and it feels good to see them selling well, and more importantly VERY pleased because each one sold goes to support Rich's memorial fund.


A few makes from yesterday, well the smiley monkey was a while ago, I just forgot to post pics of him lol

We went outside to see Emma and Dan off last night, this was the view from the front door, they thought I was mad, dashing in to get the camera.I think the moon looks amazing, although I don't think my camera is good enough to pic up the colours and the textures.

I'm just adding the finishing touches to my latest creation, I would add pics, but I'm really not happy with part of it, you know how you think it looks okay, then you take a photo and see it from a different view point? That's what happened lol, now I have to undo it and start that bit again.

I love this clip, so funny.

And now finally I just found this.

Now that's a cosy!!


ScottishPrincess said...

Those little chaps are all so cute. :)

Jordan said...

Ha I love all thsoe little sock creatures :) and I think the moon is amazing too!

p.s Thanks for following my blog! :)

Lyn said...

Hennie, just thought I would let you know I have not forgotten you! For some reason Blogger won't let me save your blog to my list in the side bar so I have to find you through my dashboard so I don't pop over as often as I would like!