Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Post that makes you smile

Everybody likes to get smile-worthy post, I have been lucky enough to recieve this little lot recently.

I won this amazing paperbag album off Ali, for helping her choose a new name.(memories are made of this was my offering)

Yesterday I had this package of patterns, off the lovely Laura on the Crafts Beautiful forum, for no reason other than she thought I would be able to use them in my fundraising knitting.

Todays post brought these lovely things off Lyn, we were swap partners on Lisa's Blog

And finally, this stunning set of earrings and keycharm off Caroline, again on the Crafts Beautiful forum. I entered my snail in her insect challenge and it was a runner up.


Liz's Knitting said...

WOW!!! Fantastic things to be given!!!!

FairlyGirly said...

Well done, on winning some lovely items. I have been lucky to win a couple of sets of beads recently too. It's great getting lovely things in the post :-0)

Lyn said...

Wow you have been lucky! Glad you liked the parcel I sent too!