Sunday, 28 June 2009

Misi spot picks

Whilst playing Haybel's "SPOT" game, I found these little gems.
This gorgeous shrug from Knitwits

This beautiful horse from Neatecrafts

Ahem...Mine lol, it was a spot, honest.


Glassmania has these:

From Pearls and Whirls:

Monday, 22 June 2009

Oh sod it!!

Managed to get all my assignments finished yesterday, started printing them and ran out of ink.
No worries I thought, I'll put them on my memory stick and print them off at work,

For whatever reason, the computer threw a hissy fit, it would only open two out of 6 assignments. My tutor (a new one) didn't really seem all that interested in what I had done already, not in the slightest bit bothered that I had only 2 assigments to show her, and said she would take my folder but not look at it until the summer holidays!

Anyway last night, I decided to start on the Pied Piper costume, it's really taking shape now, but guess what!!
I broke a needle and seem somehow to have bu**ered up the machine!! It will not pick up the bottom thread.
Have tried everything I know, but no luck! So P.Piper has a sleevelesss, unhemmed coat and no hat! and I'm getting a headache!!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Somewhere to lay your head?

These were the latest cushions to be created. Have a flip-flop shoe to make next!!


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